SAGE#68752 | ASI#92133
Artwork Information

Artwork Information


Sabina is held harmless for failure to provide clear, concise and correctly formatted art; misdirected e-mails; incompatibilities or corruption due to uncompressed files.
Acceptable Disk Formats: CD-ROM, DVD
Acceptable PC or Mac Program File Formats:  CorelDRAW™ X5 (15), Adobe InDesign® CC, Windows Bitmap for PC,
Adobe Illustrator® CC, FreeHand™10.0, Adobe PhotoShop® CC
Unacceptable Program File Formats: Microsoft™ Word “.doc”, Pagemaker® “.pmd”

Sabina is held harmless for failure to provide clear, concise and correctly formatted art; misdirected e-mails; incompatibilities or corruption due to uncompressed files.

Artwork Charges

Camera ready art should be submitted with each new order. Orders requiring more than fifteen (15) minutes of art time to make art camera ready will be charged a minimum hourly rate of $50.00(g). These charges also apply to typesetting. Acetates, film positives, screens and other preparatory materials produced by Sabina remain the exclusive property of Sabina. Instructions pertaining to layout, colors, size, positions of art and type styles should be clearly stated on the purchase order. If these instructions are not clearly stated on your purchase order, Sabina reserves the right to define complicated art.

Camera Ready Artwork Tips

• Convert text to curves or outlines  (exact type style matches cannot be guaranteed).
• Save vector artwork as an “.eps” and bitmaps as “.bmp” or “.tif” file format in black & white at  800 dpi or higher.
• Submit only the art you wish to imprint. Avoid submitting disks or e-mails with multiple files that do not pertain to your order.
• In addition, fax artwork with purchase order to ensure correct copy.
• Include P.O. number and company name on all correspondence.
• For art reviews with no accompanying order, please contact customer service.
• Clearly state on purchase order specific artwork instructions regarding layout,  size and type style.
• Multicolor artwork must be separated,  unless submitted in vector “.eps” format.
• Minimum line thickness of .005”
• Reverse type elements must be a minimum of .010” (.018” for metallic imprints)
• Type style size minimum of six points.
• Halftone or tint range 20-70 at 65 line screen.
• Pre-production proof required.
• Faxed art and art downloaded from the internet is not camera ready.

Complicated Artwork

For designs requiring an extensive amount of an artist’s time, such as converting a photograph or toned copy to a line drawing necessary for direct screen printing, a $50.00(g) per hour charge will apply. Sabina reserves the right to define complicated art.

Electronic Artwork

•  E-mail Artwork and Purchase Order to: [email protected]

To ensure we are able to match the E-mail art to the purchase order, please include the Company Name, P.O. Number, and Account Number on the art E-mail. Please include a copy of the purchase order with your E-mail, or indicate layout, color placement and item number.

Size and Placement of Artwork

Clearly state on your order, if your artwork is one sided, two sided or a wrap around imprint. Also, please state if the art is to exact size or should be reduced or enlarged. If specifications are not made on sizing of artwork we will use our best judgement and Sabina will not be held responsible for issues related to sizing.
Imprints using glass and ceramic enamels must be 27/32″ from the lip and rim of the mug or glass due to voluntary FDA guidelines. Please take this into consideration if your art is to be vertically centered as we may be required to reduce its size.
Certain glassware products have a “seam” opposite the handle. We do not recommend wrap around imprints on “seamed” items. Artwork on some items depicted in this catalog will be altered in appearance due to the taper, shape or radius of the item. Some examples of this are martini glasses and brandy snifters.


One complementary proof will be supplied. This is exactly how the imprint (size, placement and copy) will appear on the chosen item. The order will be produced as proofed unless otherwise notified in writing. Please pay particular attention to spelling, phone numbers, size and positioning of the layout. Written approval must be submitted before production will commence. Any delay in returning the art approval may result in a revised shipping date. Additional changes will require a new proof and a charge $20.00(g) per proof will be assesed.

Virtual Proofs

Due to the inherent nature of most monitors (varied calibrations, color management, varying degrees of brightness and resolution), the actual imprint color(s) and imprint location will vary with actual production run. Be aware that most virtual samples are a visual guide and may not reflect the exact imprint placement for the actual production run. A true representation for the design is an actual pre-production proof.
